Small Moments


He dragged me to the kitchen and said "OUT" to all the maids and cooks who were present there in an angry tone..all of them greeted us and left from there hurriedly. I looked at him, he was looking so angry, did I do something wrong?, is he angry at me?.. But as matter of fact I didn't even talked back to dadisa I did what my mum said, I stayed silent, my thoughts were interrupted when he left my hand and went towards the gas stove and switched it on while placing the friyng pan on.. He wore the apron and strated taking all the necessary thing out "sunye are you angry at me"I asked softly to him but he didn't even acknowledge my words"tell me what I did wrong at least I will try to mend it "I continue"you did nothing "he said without looking at me... He was now cutting vegetables. "So why are you angry"I asked confused"i am angry because you did nothing, you said nothing when dadisa accused you "he said now looking at me stopping everything he was doing, he looked frustrated and angry "what can I say to her she is elder than me I can't talk back to her.she is rajmata I don't want to disrespect her "I responded to him still not maintaining the eye contact he slowly grapped my chin and made me look at him, his eyes were soft now he didn't look angry anymore "listen to me ok? You could never disrespect her , she was disrespecting you , she was disrespecting the queen.whenever she or anyone tumhe kuch kahega respond them ok? You are a RANISA now you can't be weak now come lets complete our ritual" He made me understand calmly "you don't have to I will do it" "but I want to do it" He said continuing his task. After an hour or so we were done "how do you know to cook , dadisa said you can't enter the kitchen" I asked after sometime "I studied abroad for 5 years and so I started learning cooking..i love preparing dishes but unfortunately I can't here, so whenever I am abroad for business meeting I cook there" He said smiling at me

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A girl with big dreams ✨ Sometime writing our thoughts is not bad is it? 🌺 A girl who takes a little break to write down her stories 💕

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