The Royal Vow


I looked at the girl from the corner of my eyes who was sitting beside me in the car, hiccupping from the moment the car got started.

God I feel bad for her

I sighed before passing my handkerchief towards her. She looked at me before taking the handkerchief without saying thank you

Shaking my head I looked out of the window. All the way to home


The car ride to Abhimanyu's house was filled with an awkward silence. Shivantika kept stealing glances at her new husband, trying to gauge his feelings or intentions. Abhimanyu, on the other hand, seemed lost in his own thoughts, occasionally looking out of the window at the passing scenery.

As they reached the grand entrance of the royal palace, Shivantika couldn't help but feel a wave of intimidation wash over her. The opulence and grandeur of the place made her feel out of place, like a commoner in a kingdom of royalty. Abhimanyu noticed her discomfort and reached out to hold her hand, offering a reassuring smile.

"Welcome home, Shivantika," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of warmth that surprised her. "I know this must all be overwhelming for you, but I promise to make this transition as smooth as possible."

Shivantika nodded, grateful for his comforting words. As they entered the palace, she was greeted by a flurry of servants and maids, all rushing to attend to their needs. After their aarti Abhimanyu asked his mum if they could do all the rituals tomorrow because they were really tired specially Shivantika. Abhimanyu led her through the corridors, his hand still holding hers, guiding her like a protector.

They finally reached a beautifully decorated chamber that would be their room. Shivantika was awestruck by the luxury and elegance of the space, feeling like she had stepped into a fairytale. Abhimanyu gestured for her to sit and poured her a glass of water, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"I understand that this marriage was not of your choice, Shivantika," Abhimanyu began, his tone gentle yet firm. "But I want you to know that I have no intention of forcing you into anything you don't want. Your happiness and freedom are important to me."

Shivantika looked at him, surprised by his sincerity. She had expected a cold and distant husband, but Abhimanyu's words were like a soothing balm to her wounded soul. She felt a glimmer of hope flicker within her heart, a hope for a future where she could be herself, where she could pursue her dreams without any constraints.

As the night descended upon the palace, Shivantika found herself lost in a whirlwind of emotions. She had expected this marriage to be a cage, a prison of duty and obligation. But Abhimanyu's words and actions had opened a door to a different possibility, a possibility of companionship and understanding.

As she drifted off to sleep in the arms of her new husband, Shivantika made a silent vow to herself - The journey had just begun, and the path ahead was veiled in mystery and intrigue. But Shivantika was ready to walk it, hand in hand with Abhimanyu, her partner in this royal vow.

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A girl with big dreams ✨ Sometime writing our thoughts is not bad is it? 🌺 A girl who takes a little break to write down her stories 💕

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